1945 |
19. 1059 Wanda
Williams Sibley August 8, 1934 |
Seventy Fifth Anniversary First
Baptist church Jesse & Ola Williams, Wanda Williams Sibley & Susan, David & Gary Sibley are in the balcony. They are in the second row from the front on right side.
JESSE LEE & OLA SIMMONS WILLIAMS July 28, 1977 50TH ANNIVERSARY A celebration hosted hosted by their children, Willis Lee & Ann Allen Williams, Dale Edwin & Jeanette Johnson Williams, Robert Alton Jr & Wanda Williams Sibley. First Baptist Church Parlor, San Angelo, Texas was filled with Grand Children and friends. Jesse & Ola enjoyed 13 more good years together before they went home to be with The Lord. 63 years! |
THANKSGIVING DAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1991 Dale, Willis and Wanda are all grown up – and older! This Thanksgiving was special. All of Dale and Wanda’s family was present. Willis and Ann were present but their daughters and Grand Children were greatly missed. Both of our parents passed away a few months later.
Thanksgiving, 1991 227 North Malone Street San Angelo, Texas 76903
Home of Jesse Lee & Ola Simmons Williams
Front Row: Chelsea Priddy, Megan Wright, Tamara Webb, William Webb
Second Row: Trenton Priddy Adam Robert Sibley (held by) Ola Simmons Williams, Jesse L Williams, Shawn Webb (held by) Susan Sibley Webb,
Back Row: Austin Wright (held by) Angie Williams Wright
William and Tamara Webb discovered their San Angelo cousins and fell in love with them.
November 28. 1991 Home of Jesse Lee & Ola Simmons Williams Back Row: Chelsea Priddy, daughter of Celeste Williams Priddy & Danny Priddy. Megan Wright, Austin Wright, children of Angie Williams Wright & Mark Wright, Trenton Priddy, son of Celeste & Danny Priddy Front
Row: William & Tamara Webb, children of Susan Sibley Webb & Mike
Webb: Generations of children have slid down, played on, fell on these stairs. The banister was too short for sliding, but the steps were long, and often uncarpeted, perfect for sliding.
William’s birthday is November 28, Trenton’s is December 9, Tamara’s is December 11 and Paw Paw’s is December 16. So there was a birthday party for all. The Little Tyke hard hats the boys have on were the favors for the boys.
(Note: this was to be Jesse L Williams’s last birthday. He was 85 years old.)
Thanksgiving, 1991 Home of Jesse Lee & Ola Simmons Williams They lived in this house over 47 years.
Tamara Webb, Trenton Priddy (on steps) and Austin Wright. The kids are on the back steps of the house of Maw Maw and Paw Paw. The children had been gathering pecans in the back yard. They were so proud of their treasures. |