Adam, Eric and Bonnie
[Up] [Mexico] [With Work] [Camping] [Baja] [Hawaii] [Colorado] [Europe] [Alaska] [Tahiti] [Park City] [Israel & Greece] [Copper Canyon] [Tamara William Shawn] [Egypt] [Kenya & Tanzania] [Nova Scotia] [Athens to Ft. Lauderdale] [Antarctica] [Adam, Eric and Bonnie] [Far East]



[Washington/New York Schedule]
[With Senator]
[Senator Presentation]


For 13 days (July 7 - July 19), Bonnie, Eric, Adam, Bob and Wanda toured the Eastern part of the United States - mostly in New York City, Philadelphia and Washington

We also visited Gettysburg, Mt. Vernon, Rhesa and Steven Hecker in Weehauken, N.J., the Al Dixon's in Washington, and Willis and Ann Williams in Gainsville, Georgia 

If you would like a CD with 427 pictures from the trip, please email us: .

Eric, Bonnie and Adam with the Statue of Liberty
The Sibley’s are presenting Senator Hutchinson with a photograph taken of her at a Ross Perot press conference.  Miss Bailey was a reporter at the time.  The event was the Fall Joint Computer Conference held in Houston, Texas, November 1970.  Robert A Sibley was the Chairman of this conference.