Benson (Bennie) was a lovable Shetland Sheep dog. His hind legs, actually, were very strong springs-this dog could, and did, jump 8-footfences. We wound up having to tie him up in the back yard to keep from losing him. He loved the openness of Holly Cove. In fact, when he realized we were getting ready to go back to Houston, he would go hide. He not only hid from us, he conned Mandy into doing the same.
David found Mandy advertised in a throw out paper. We had no idea what he was up to. What he was up to was that he rode his bike (with broken arm in a cast) about 2 miles and got her. She was a sweet little thing. She would start out in the third seat of the station wagon and would inch her way forward. She would end up in Bob’s lap in the front seat. She was thoroughly convinced that no one was aware she was sneaking up on us.