Robert Alton Sibley, Jr.

February 4, 1935

Dallas, Texas


Bob made the following notes about his earliest memories:


I remember my father taking me with him when he delivered ice cream for Purity ice Cream Company.  This is before he went off to World War II.


At Pine Street:

I sat down on the corner to watch a parade. The drugstore was on another corner, and the Safeway was on a third corner. The fourth corner was a filing station.  Halfway through the parade ants got to me.  I was sitting on a big red ant bed. I ran home and they put me in an alcohol bath.


We had a big magnolia tree that I climbed.


I walked two miles each way to school.


My Mother worked for a company in the old Wholesale Merchant Building. There was a beauty shop on he first floor, and one day while my mother was having her hair done, I scared everyone out of their wits when I stuck a hairpin into an electrical socket.


World War II had begun and my Dad was in the army and Mother went to Washington D C to help out with the war effort.


When school was out (I was 6) Tommie Moore Sibley, Aunt Hattie Hunt Moore, Little Kate Moore Paige and Aunt Belle Hunt took me to Washington to be with Mother.  We went on Greyhound busses.


Over the next few years I was to take several trips back to Texas to visit. I stayed with Aunt Doris Anderson Kunz. These trips were by train.